

Adam Lashinsky 2013-09-26










    How do you communicate this strategy to customers?

    When you hear "cloud" and you gravitate to a perspective that everything should be cloud. We've tried to do something a little bit different architecturally. When the customer says, "I really want this," we've built our solution so they can either use it as an online application from the Oracle cloud, or if they like the IP and don't want it in the cloud, they can do it behind their firewall. Our message: Instead of worrying about the delivery architecture, worry about the application. Worry about the IP.

How happy are you with how well your sales force is selling this strategy?

    You're never going to ever say you're thrilled with everything. But I am happy with the progress of our sales organization. I think we changed them quite a bit a year and a half ago, and I think they've made good progress.

One analyst I spoke to pointed out that sales force growth is growing faster than license revenue growth. Why?

    We have invested a reasonable percentage of our sales force growth into this thing called cloud. And when you sell cloud, you sell a subscription. You do not sell a license. [Subscribers to software services typically pay more slowly than license customers -- and perhaps less as well.] That doesn't mean long run that the business models aren't fine, but you do have this outage of productivity as you build up the subscription revenue base.

What was Oracle's strategy in becoming a hardware maker, and are you 100% stay-the-course satisfied with that strategy today?

    Well, we're staying the course, just to take that off the table. Our strategy has been to vertically integrate hardware and software, in that we think hardware and software together, engineered together, provides a better outcome. And we think it provides a better outcome on several planes, and I'll try to describe what they are.

    First, we do the work that you, the customer, used to do. So historically in the industry you could buy a server from [one vendor]. You could buy an operating system from [another]. You could buy a database from [a third]. You could buy a middleware from [yet another]. And then you give it to your IT organization, and your IT organization glues all this stuff together. Well, our better idea would be, Why don't we just glue it all together for you? We'll test it. We'll warrant it. And we'll do that work, and that cost goes into our R&D as opposed to your IT budget. So point one: We do the work, you don't. Second, this stuff just performs better, meaning that we build hardware to optimize the performance of the software. Third, you get a different support experience. So the fact that we build the stuff together and integrate it together, we now have one version. We have tested all the versions of software together, and we've seen all the problems. And we can create a repository, and any time our customer has a problem, we directly hook up and can auto-patch it in nanoseconds. So our strategy has been to sort of change the game with this -- and then you see a lot of people trying to frankly, you know, imitate that strategy. You've seen it from many of our competitors.
