JP Mangalindan
iPhone 3G 2008年 苹果在不支持3G网络的第一代iPhone之后应该推出什么产品呢?毫无疑问,答案就是iPhone 3G。该公司在次年7月发布了这款兼容3G网络的新产品,它保留了第一代iPhone的很多主要特性,但换掉了铝制后盖,代之以可以选配的黑色或白色塑料背壳。苹果还将iOS升级到2.0版本,并发布了App Store,这个应用平台如今向消费者提供超过90万款应用产品。 |
iPhone 3G • Year: 2008 How should Apple follow up the 3G-less first-gen iPhone? Why, with the iPhone 3G, of course. The following July, Apple released a 3G-compatible successor that kept many of the same key features but swapped out the aluminum chassis for an optional black or white plastic rear. The company also upgraded iOS to version 2.0 and introduced the App Store, a software platform that now offers 900,000-plus apps. |