

JP Mangalindan 2013-10-10
前苹果高级副总裁托尼•法戴尔先在2011年推出一款时尚的温控器,那款产品令消费者惊叹不已。现在他再度出手,这一次推出一款同样雅致的叫做Nest Protect的烟雾探测器。它更智能,更人性。更重要的是,它下个月就要上市了。

    Nest Protect下个月将在亚马逊、苹果、百思买和家得宝销售,售价为129美元。

    Nest Labs不愿意透露它自2011年以来温控器的销量,但客户满意度很高:比如说,96%的用户很可能会向朋友推荐Nest产品。而且,这款产品有利于环境。据法戴尔称,Nest 高能效的软硬件已经为用户节省了1亿千瓦小时的电能。(相当于15多分钟的美国总体年能源消耗量。)

    Nest Labs的这位CEO对未来计划保持沉默——除了透露将把Nest Thermostat温控器引入英国(他认为那里会因此而获益)之外。法戴尔说:“大家的电视已经发生了巨大的变化,手机也已经发生了变革。但居室里面的其他一些产品还没有得到变革,所以我们想要去实现这个目标。”(财富中文网)


    Nest will not disclose how many thermostats it's sold since 2011, but customer satisfaction is high: 96% of users are likely to recommend a Nest product to a friend, for instance. It has also been good for the environment. According to Fadell, over 1 billion kilowatt hours in energy have been saved thanks to Nest's power-efficient hardware and software. (That's more than 15 minutes of America's overall annual energy consumption.)

    The Nest CEO remains mum on future plans beyond bringing Nest Thermostat to the U.K., a territory he thinks could benefit. Says Fadell: "Your TV has changed dramatically. Your phone has changed. There are other products in the house that haven't. So we want to go after it." 
