

Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-10-12

    美国总统奥巴马周三提名詹尼特•耶伦接替本•伯南克,出任下届美联储(Federal Reserve)主席。现在,很多美国人都已经知道,耶伦作为美联储首位女性主席以及近30年来执掌美国央行的首位民主党人将被载入史册。




    奥巴马或许还应该加上一句,今年67岁的耶伦很强悍,几年前还跑完了一次半程马拉松。她57岁的时候才迷上跑步,当时她是加州大学伯克利分校(University of California-Berkley)的教授。13英里多的路程她花了约3小时。








    1976年,耶伦在哈佛大学(Harvard University)担任讲师教授宏观经济学时,萨默斯是班上的一名学生。






    President Obama on Wednesday tapped Janet Yellen to succeed Ben Bernanke as the next chairman of the Federal Reserve. By now, many Americans know Yellen could go down in history as the first woman to lead the Fed, as well as the first Democrat to head the central bank in almost 30 years.

    Here are a few facets you might not know about.

    At 57, Yellen ran a half marathon.

    As President Obama said Wednesday when he nominated Yellen to be the next Fed chair, "She is a proven leader and she's tough, not just because she's from Brooklyn."

    Obama should have added that Yellen, currently 67, is tough for having finished a half-marathon a few years ago. At 57, she took up running while a professor at the University of California-Berkley. The 13-plus mile run took her about three hours.

    Now that takes strength.

    Yellen has a fancy stamp collection.

    The lover of economics is also a lover of stamps.

    Yellen is one of the wealthiest members of the Federal Reserve board of governors, with investments worth at least $4.8 million in 2012, according to annual financial disclosures the Fed released in August.

    Included in her investments, mostly held jointly with her husband, is a stamp collection worth between $15,000 and $50,000. Apparently it has been in the family for years; Yellen inherited a stamp collection with that same range from her mother.

    Yellen's main rival for Fed Chair was also one of her students.

    Yup, that's Larry Summers.

    In 1976, Yellen was a lecturer at Harvard University teaching a macroeconomics class whereSummers was a student.

    Years later Summers would run Harvard University and become the frontrunner for Fed chair,only to withdraw himself from the contest and watch his former professor take the nomination.

    Harvard, it's a small world.

    Yellen loves economics so much she married economic greatness.

    Yellen is impressive, and so is her husband in his own right. He is Nobel Prize-winning economist George Akerlof, whom she met in 1977 when they were both economists at the Fed board.

    Akerlof shared the 2001 prize for his work on asymmetric information and has written about the financial crisis and banking regulation.
