

JP Mangalindan 2013-10-12

    当然,有许多公司仍然会质疑仅仅接受过三个月培训的学生能否满足他们的需求。某些情况下,在麻省理工学院(MIT)等顶尖计算机科学学院传统的四年制教育可能更占优势。罗伊•巴哈特认为:“新技术突破越深入——比如,移动数据量更大,移动速度超过以往任何时候——传统学院教育便越重要。要成为一名艺术家并不需要有材料学的博士学位,但如果你拥有这样一个博士学位,我敢肯定你一定能创造出更酷的作品。”巴哈特是价值7,500万美元的风险投资科技基金Bloomberg Beta的负责人。

    Facebook多元化项目经理丽莎•李承认, 接受过四年以上计算机科学基础教育的学生与仅仅接受过10周左右速成培训的学生确实存在差异。但她也指出,高强度的速成班培养出了优秀的候选人,Facebook可以继续从中筛选出技术和分析人才。事实上,这家公司已经从Hackbright Academy招聘一名毕业生从事工程职位,负责国际化。丽莎•李说:“拥有扎实的基硅谷础知识当然很有必要,但这些东西也可以在实际生活和工作经验中获取。”(财富中文网)


    Still, many companies remain skeptical that students educated in three months or less will meet their demands. And there may also be some engineering situations where the traditional four-year training from a top computer science school like MIT remains superior. "The more you get into breaking new technical ground -- moving more data than has ever been moved, faster than it's ever been moved, for example -- the more relevant I believe a classical academic training may be," says Roy Bahat, head of the $75 million venture capital tech fund Bloomberg Beta. "You don't need a Ph.D. in materials science to be an artist, but if you have one, I bet you can do some cool stuff."

    Lisa Lee, Facebook's Diversity Program Manager, concedes students with four-plus years of computer science fundamentals may fare differently from those exposed to them for just 10 weeks or so. But she also points out that intensive bootcamps have produced excellent candidates and that Facebook continues to screen them for technical and analytical roles. To wit, the company hired one Hackbright Academy alum for an engineering role working on internationalization. Says Lee: "Having a solid foundation is important, but it is also something that can be built on the job in real-life situations and work experiences."  
