

JP Mangalindan 2013-10-18


    索夫曼表示,Anki Drive下周上市之后,这家初创公司的大约45名员工便会开始推广游戏体验。他说:“我们最大的优势是游戏中的一切——规则、结构和角色——都由软件设定,因此能够极大地拓展游戏的深度和广度,让玩家可以做各种各样的事情。”(比如更多的特殊武器。)玩家最后还可以期待着购买额外的车型和赛道。



    Once Anki Drive launches next week, Sofman says the startup's 45 or so employees will get to work on expanding the game's experience. "Our biggest advantage is that everything about the gameplay -- the rules, the structure, and the characters -- is all defined by software," he says. "So we have such a great advantage to expand the depth and the diversity of things you can do in the game." (That may translate into more special weapons, for instance.) Gamers can also eventually expect the option to purchase additional cars and race tracks.

    The only potential threat to Anki's success?That $199 price tag. It's certainly cheaper than many other offerings in the robotics space, but if anything, it may take time before some mainstream consumers become comfortable with the idea of investing in a product from a new company, entertaining as it may be.

