

John Gaudiosi 2013-10-28




    婕德•雷蒙德是育碧多伦多工作室(Ubisoft Toronto)的掌门人,预计到2020年,这家创建于2010年的工作室的员工团队将增长至800人。她负责独家新游戏的开发工作,目前正在研发5款游戏。雷蒙德是《分裂细胞》(Splinter Cell )的执行制作人,这款游戏改编自反恐惊悚小说大师汤姆•克兰西的同名作品(除了游戏之外,这部作品的授权产品还包括书籍和电影)。雷蒙德在游戏业界的声誉来自她在育碧蒙特利尔工作室(Ubisoft Montreal)担任联合创始人兼执行制片人期间开发的原创游戏《刺客信条》( Assassin's Creed)——它随后成为近20年来销售速度最快的独家新游戏,已经在全球各地售出了超过5,700万套。她最近开发完成了根据汤姆•克兰西作品改编的《分裂细胞:黑名单》(Splinter Cell: Blacklist),目前正致力于开发一部全新的《刺客信条》游戏——不是《刺客信条四:黑旗》( Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag),以及以芝加哥为背景的开放式游戏《观赏犬》(Watch Dogs )。她以前是程序员,但现在正在专注于游戏大制作的开发工作,再也没有回过头。(财富中文网)


    Jade Raymond

    • Title: Managing Director

    • Company: Ubisoft Toronto

    Jade Raymond heads up Ubisoft's Toronto studio, which opened in 2010 and is on track to grow to 800 employees by 2020. She's responsible for new intellectual property and is currently working on five titles. Raymond serves as executive producer of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell franchise, including games, books, and movies. She made her name in the industry as the co-creator and executive producer on the original Assassin's Creed game at Ubisoft Montreal. That game went on to become the fastest-selling new intellectual property in gaming in 20 years and has sold over 57 million copies worldwide. Having recently completed Tom Clancy'sSplinter Cell: Blacklist, she's now working on a new Assassin's Creed game (not Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag), as well as the open-world Watch Dogs game set in Chicago. The former programmer has focused on blockbuster game franchises and never looked back.
