

Joshua Klein 2013-11-07

    还有一个案例。亚马逊英国网站的一个T恤卖家挂出的一件待售T恤印着这样一句话:“保持冷静,疯狂强暴”。大家可能会想,谁会觉得这么一件T恤是个好东西呢。但是作为这件衣服的制造者,Solid Gold Bomb 公司都不一定知道自己在销售它。这家公司为此多次公开道歉,但它辩称,自己所犯的唯一错误是写错了一个小代码。这是因为这件衣服不是由谁设计的,它也没有真的印上什么字样。Solid Gold Bomb的主业不是什么设计艺术T恤。它实际上是个软件公司,专门开发词库,汇集能够进入流行文化的词汇(比如“保持冷静,继续前进”,这种话在网上会引发一阵模仿热潮)。这个软件的代码出了点问题,正好掉在了一件T恤的模板上,结果它就自动挂到亚马逊网站上变成商品了。他们犯的错就在于,在4,000多个词汇中没注意到那个词(这个公司算是幸运的,因为没有其他粗话被放上网)。问题就出在语境身上。

    这又是一个简单模型导致严重社会影响的例子。造出Solid Gold Bomb T恤的程序并不理解它的目标受众会怎么看“强暴”这个字眼,更不要说了解生产T恤的商业流程是如何运作的了。但是语境却将一个被忽略的词变成了一次颇具破坏力的事件。






    Here's another example. One t-shirt seller on Amazon.co.uk put up a shirt for sale emblazoned with the statement, "Keep Calm and Rape a Lot." One might wonder who thought such a shirt would be a good idea. But Solid Gold Bomb, the company that made the shirt, wasn't necessarily aware that it was even selling it. The company apologized publicly and copiously, but in its defense the only mistake it made was a small coding error. That's because the shirt wasn't designed by anyone. Nor were the shirts even necessarily ever printed. Solid Gold Bomb's business isn't in artfully designing t-shirts. Instead, it writes code that takes libraries of words that slot into popular phrases (such as "Keep Calm and Carry On," which enjoyed a brief mimetic popularity online) to make derivations that get dropped onto a template of a T-shirt and automatically get posted as an Amazon item for sale. Their mistake was overlooking a single word in a list of 4,000 or so others (the company was lucky no other offensive words or phrases made it onto the site). The problem was context.

    Again, a simple model, with serious social consequences. The program that made the Solid Gold Bomb t-shirt isn't aware of how its intended audience perceives the concept of rape, let alone how the business process that rendered the t-shirt works. And yet that context turned a one-word oversight into a massively damaging event.

    In both these instances an inability to anticipate how the program would interact with other programs, or of the broader context in which it would operate, caused significant harm. Those are just two ways in which a model on which code is based can be flawed.

    Big Data still has big issues. For example, the information we're gathering is often not being properly normalized (put into a format where all data is apples-to-apples), the models we're making aren't often peer tested or reviewed (witness the problems with the ranking tool Klout as a standard for social media influence), and, most crucially, the information itself is usually siloed inside of large corporations instead of being democratically available and verifiable.

    Which isn't to say our technology is doomed. Most of the applications we use every day work tremendously well, and in some cases really do produce amazing capabilities that improve our lives in countless ways every day. But it behooves us to examine the models that underpin them. Because someday, somehow, they will fail.

    Joshua Klein is a hacker, consultant, television host and author of Reputation Economics: Why Who You Know is Worth More than What You Have (Palgrave Macmillan), from which this essay is adapted.
