5.助人就是助己 最后,有一些高品质研究支持这样的说法,世世代代成功的商业人士对此已有直观的理解:帮助周围的人,不求回报,这样做也会帮到你自己。在《给予和索取》(Give and Take)一书中,亚当•格兰特指出,有研究显示,最聪明的交易者达成交易时,常常宁愿自己付出一点点代价,也要让交易对手同样能够获得高额的利益,从而实现多赢。(财富中文网)
本文作者现任高管教育机构Gazelles Inc.的CEO。 |
5.Help others, help yourself Finally there's some quality research to back up something that successful businesspeople have understood intuitively for generations: Doing favors for those around you, without expecting payback, helps you too. In Give and Take, Adam Grant points to research showing that the smartest negotiators often strike deals that are highly beneficial for their counterparts as well, with little cost to themselves, resulting in gains for all parties involved. Verne Harnish is the CEO of Gazelles Inc., an executive educationfirm. |