

JP Mangalindan 2013-11-15
索尼的次世代电脑游戏主机就在这里。总体而言,它拥有巨大的潜力,但是能否得到挖掘还要取决于开发者和消费者是否买账。另外,它的价格比微软Xbox One便宜了100美元。因此,它的日子应该会比前辈好过一些。

    PS4的用户界面非常简洁,易于上手。图片来源:JP Mangalindan/Fortune.com

    软件。PS4的菜单界面易于操作。游戏的更新都在后台进行,用户也可以轻松访问类似网飞(Netflix)这样的网站。应用经过了重新设计,直观而易于使用。主机的网络功能昨晚才开通,所以我还没有深入体验。据说,下载《战地风云4》(Battlefield 4)这样的游戏只需要不到一个小时,轻松快捷。

    至于游戏体验?目前我只玩了三款游戏,其中两款是索尼提供的:射击游戏《杀戮地带》(Killzone)、适合家人娱乐的游戏《Knack》和《战地风云4》。PS4的性能大概是PS3的十倍。不过在《杀戮地带》时绚丽的世界末日情境下扫荡敌军时,我并没有感觉到游戏机的“次世代”元素。(比如,我几乎用不到新款控制器的触控板。)家庭游戏《Knack》中有类似超级马里奥的跳跃元素,在游戏设置上更有新意,不过在视觉效果上比起《杀戮地带》这类游戏就要逊色不少。看上去PS3就可以运行它了。的确,这款主机上的许多游戏在Xbox One上也可以玩,而如《刺客信条4:黑旗》(Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag)这样的游戏也可以在更老一些的平台上运行。

    The software. The PS4 keeps its menu interface simple to get around. Software updates to games download in the background, and access to things like Netflix's slick, redesigned app are intuitive and easy. Online features were made available just last night, so I've yet to perform a deep dive. That said, downloading games like the shoot 'em up Battlefield 4 took less than an hour and were hassle-free.

    As for the games? I've only managed to play with three, two of which Sony provided: the shooterKillzone, a family-friendly platform game called Knack, and Battlefield 4. The PS4 is about 10 times more powerful than the PS3, and while Killzone in particular sports gorgeous, sweeping post-apocalyptic environments through which to mow enemies down, there wasn't anything gameplay-wise that screamed "next-generation." (For instance, I rarely needed to use the new controller's touchpad.) The family-friendly Knack, a game with some Mario-like jumping elements, is more innovative with its gameplay, but less visually impressive than say, Killzone, and looks like it could have been done on the PlayStation 3. Indeed, many of the device's initial games will also be available for Xbox One when it arrives, and some games like Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,are also already available for older consoles.




    The verdict. Think of the PlayStation 4 as a device with great potential, just one that developers haven't tapped into much yet -- at least, based on my limited time with it. There isn't any one feature or game I've played that screams "next generation." Games I've played with run buttery-smooth and sport some great eye candy, but haven't exactly "wowed" me, and new features like the controller touchpad have yet to be used in an innovative way. That said, it seems like Sony is on the right track, and like any new console, it can take time -- sometimes years -- before impressive software arrives that really takes advantage of all that technological muscle. It's up to the developers now to do so and for gamers to buy in. And given the PS4's cheaper, competitive price tag, that should be less of a challenge than last generation.
