

Anne VanderMey 2013-12-04


    现在还住在底特律的居民离他们所向往的“清零状态”又近了一步,这种状态也就是一个全新的开始,不再负债,同时也摆脱了底特律一败涂地的财务管理不善历史。宾周二说:“我不认为路灯会很快亮起来,”他指的是目前底特律还有40%的路灯亮不了。他还表示希望这座城市的公交服务和警察响应时间能有所改善。但对居民们来说,坏消息是退休金削减可能会拖累当地经济,而底特律美术馆(Detroit Institute of Arts Museum)里的艺术品也难逃被拍卖的命运。






    管其他山穷水尽的城市叫“赢家”似乎是跑题了,尤其是考虑到如果市政债券一旦被认为缺乏安全性,借贷成本可能上涨。但宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)法学教授大卫•斯基尔却表示,能就削减退休金展开谈判,哪怕只是减一点点,对许多苦苦挣扎的地方政府来说也能松一大口气。7月份,他曾在一篇文章中写道,如果这方面没有一定的灵活性,“美国很多城市不断下滑的财政状况很可能还将持续下去。”


WINNER (sort of): Current city residents

    People living in Detroit today are one step closer to that coveted "clean slate" -- a fresh start, debt-free and untainted by Detroit's history of catastrophic financial mismanagement. "I do think we'll see lights come on," Bing said on Tuesday, referring to the 40% of Detroit streetlights that do not function. He added that he also expects improvements to the city's bus service and police response times. The bad news for residents is that haircuts to pensions could affect the local economy, and the art in the Detroit Institute of Arts Museum could still go on the auction block.

WINNER: Governor Rick Snyder

    The judge's ruling vindicated Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder on several counts. The governor has made a forceful argument in favor of bankruptcy as the best path forward for the city (the judge ruled that Detroit was eligible for Chapter 9), and he overrode elected city officials to install an emergency manager (a move the judge ruled constitutional). Now, Snyder's appointee has even clearer authority. And while Rhodes was less keen on the state's negotiating tactics, essentially saying attempts to negotiate with creditors were only barely done "in good faith," he commended Snyder for not attaching contingencies to Orr's appointment.

LOSER: Public employee unions

    The decision to trim pension obligations has nationwide implications. As public institutions struggle with pension and healthcare debt, Detroit's negotiations may set the stage for more pension haircuts. California will be keeping a close eye on this one.

WINNER: America's other bankrupt cities

    Calling cash-strapped municipalities "winners" in this case seems like a stretch, especially considering that borrowing costs may increase if municipal bonds are deemed unsafe. But University of Pennsylvania law professor David Skeel says that the ability to negotiate pensions, even a little, could be a big relief to struggling governments. Without some flexibility, he wrote in July, "the downward financial spiral of too many American cities is likely to continue."
