

Michal Lev-Ram 2013-12-19

    高盛公司(Goldman Sachs)在最新的报告中指出:“莫伦科普夫先生在高通工作多年,与雅各布博士也搭档过相当长的时间。我们相信高通的公司战略和执行力都能保持稳定和延续。更难能可贵的是,莫伦科普夫先生在投资者和股东中享有盛誉,在高通员工和整个业界的口碑也相当高。”




    "Mr. Mollenkopf is a Qualcomm veteran who has worked closely with Dr. Jacobs in an executive role for many years; we thus expect virtually complete continuity of strategy and execution," said a recent report from Goldman Sachs. "Moreover, Mr. Mollenkopf is well known to investors and other stakeholders in the company, and is highly regarded by employees and the broader industry alike."

    Mollenkopf also has a "wicked" sense of humor, according to current CEO Jacobs. And he's a self-proclaimed gadget freak: "We're a very engineering driven culture," Mollenkopf told Fortune in a recent interview. "All the senior execs are technical, and we're technology lovers. So Paul's a gadget freak, and I'm a gadget freak, I would say."

    According to Mollenkopf, deciding to stay at Qualcomm was an easy choice to make. And while he may have become more of a household name if he'd gone to Microsoft, steering that behemoth toward the right course might have proven a much tougher and insurmountable challenge. Qualcomm rakes in $25 billion each year powering many of the world's smartphones and tablets without most of their owners knowing its name. Its incoming chief executive is unlikely to change that -- even if his name rose to the top of the technology headlines last week.
