
微软—诺基亚 • 交易:微软公司以70亿美元收购诺基亚 微软(Microsoft)的大手笔收购向来以惨痛闻名。2013年又为这个血泪史添上了新的一笔。这一年,微软公司斥资70亿美元收购了诺基亚(Nokia),将初出茅庐的Windows移动软件与2005年最热卖翻盖手机的制造商嫁接在一起。 多年以来,诺基亚市场份额不断被侵蚀。收购诺基亚让臃肿不堪的微软公司额外背上了3.2万员工和7亿美元成本的大包袱。 《巴伦》杂志(Barron's)对诺基亚收购一案的评价是,完整地保持了“微软冤大头大手笔收购的名声”。业内颇有影响力的分析师里克•舍兰直斥这单收购是“连亲娘都不爱。” |
Microsoft-Nokia • Deal: Microsoft buys Nokia for $7 billion Microsoft's acquisition prowess is legendary in its awfulness. And 2013 offered more evidence of that. Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) spent $7 billion for Nokia, marrying the fledgling Windows mobile software with the maker of 2005's hottest flip phone. Nokia has been losing market share for years. And it will add 32,000 employees and $700 million in costs in the first year alone to an already bloated Microsoft. Barron's said the Nokia deal keeps "Microsoft's reputation for overpaying for big acquisitions" in tact. Influential tech analyst Rick Sherland called it the deal "not even a mother could love." |