Alex Taylor III
最畅销车型 作为过去二十五年来的常胜将军、福特的F系列皮卡一直成功地抵挡住了雪佛兰重新设计的西尔维拉多(Silverado)的挑战,盘踞着美国最畅销皮卡的宝座。而全是日本品牌角逐的最畅销汽车决赛,丰田(Toyota)凯美瑞(Camry)再次成功击败本田(Honda)雅阁(Accord),摘得冠军头衔。 |
Most popular vehicle Ford's F-series pickup, the reigning champion for the last quarter-century, held off a strong challenge from Chevrolet's redesigned Silverado to remain the nation's No. 1 selling vehicle. The race to become the best-selling car, an all-Japanese final, belonged again to the Toyota (TM) Camry, which beat out the Honda (HMC) Accord. |