

Ryan Bradley, Geoff Colvin, Catherine Dunn, Leigh Gallagher, Stephen Gandel, Miguel Helft, Jessi Hempel, Marty Jones, Adam Lashinsky, JP Mangalindan, Megan McCarthy, Tory Newmyer, Jennifer Reingold, Daniel Roberts, Alex Taylor, Shawn Tully, and Jen Wieczner 2014-01-08


    连续7年净亏损,听起来跟亚马逊投资的其他初创公司非常相似。只不过,我们讨论的是一家2013财年亏损高达50亿美元的机构,没错,它就是美国邮政总局(U.S. Postal Service,简称USPS ),亚马逊将宣布其免费收购计划。邮政工会势必会竭力反对;无人机大概会在空中窃喜不已(不,这一幕不会也不可能在2014年发生。但USPS在2020年前私有化的几率恐怕就没这么小了)。

    概率: 22%。

    Amazon.com will buy the post office

    Seven straight years with a net loss. Sounds a lot like other startups Amazon has invested in. Except we're talking about a fiscal 2013 loss of $5 billion, and we're also talking about the U.S. Postal Service, which Amazon announces it will buy for, well, free. Unions are up in arms; drones rejoice. (No, this won't and can't happen in 2014. But the odds of the USPS getting privatized by 2020? Hey, not that small ...)

    Odds: 22%.
