Alex Taylor III
燃油价格走低 多个消息源表示,由于原油产量增加,市场需求下降,油价将会跌至平均每加仑3.43美元。消费者没有兴趣购买燃油效率更高的汽车,这将迫使奥巴马政府出台政令,要求在2025年将燃油经济性标准提高到每加仑54.5英里。 |
Cheaper fuel Gasoline prices will decline to an average of $3.43 per gallon, say various sources, thanks to higher production and lower demand. Consumers will have even less incentive to buy more fuel-efficient vehicles, forcing the Obama Administration to start moving in the goalposts on its 54.5 mpg fuel economy standard for 2025. |