麦当劳首次现身越南 亚洲成发展主战场
亨利•阮筹划开办该餐厅已有十年。十年前,他就递交了在越南开设麦当劳加盟店的申请。之后就是等待。亨利•阮曾就读美国西北大学医学院和商学院,该校距离麦当劳位于伊利诺伊州橡树溪的总部不远,因此,阮重返美国时会顺道看望麦当劳的高管。 大约两年前,麦当劳告诉亨利•阮,它将开始在越南市场挑选加盟商。大约一年后,阮得知自己被麦当劳选中,餐厅于2013年8月开始施工。亨利•阮此前已经在快餐界小试牛刀,2006年曾有一家公司将必胜客(Pizza Hut)引进越南,而阮就在那家公司担任过总监。不过阮表示,这是他首次将大量的时间、精力和个人投资投入特许经营。 这家麦当劳餐厅的菜单上会不会出现带有越南本地特色的餐品?比如经典的越南法式面包三明治?亨利•阮表示,这款产品有可能出现在餐厅将于一个月内开张的麦咖啡柜台。(财富中文网) 译者:项航 |
For Nguyen, the restaurant was a decade in the making. Ten years ago he submitted an application to become a McDonald's franchisee in Vietnam. And then he waited. Nguyen had attended Northwestern's medical school and business school, not far from McDonald's Oak Brook, Ill., headquarters, so he would drop by and visit with executives when he made trips back to the U.S. About two years ago, McDonald's told Nguyen it was going to start the process of selecting a franchisee for the Vietnamese market. He was notified about a year later that he was selected, and construction began in August 2013. This is not his only venture into the fast food world -- he was a director at a company that brought Pizza Hut to Vietnam in 2006 -- but he says this is the first time he's put a lot of time, effort, and personal investment into franchising. Can we expect to see other local twists on the menu, such as the classic Vietnamese banh mi sandwich? Nguyen says he wouldn't rule it out for the restaurant's McCafe counter, which will open in about a month. |