

John Gaudiosi 2014年03月14日

    《泰坦陨落》摈弃了单机战役模式,一举突破了射击游戏类的传统。它仅仅着眼于多人游戏。这款游戏也在其接近未来的战场上推出了动态过程迥异的游戏玩法,允许扮演突击飞行精英的玩家在地面上施展类似跑酷风格的飞檐走壁和双跳打技能。玩家也可以操控全副武装、身高24英尺的“泰坦”巨人,引领这些要么属于星际制造公司(Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation),要么属于民兵(Militia)的战神跟随团队突破战区。无缝地跳入、跳出这些泰坦的能力为日益拥挤但利润丰厚的射击类游戏引入了全新的战术和战略。



    沃曼认为,让玩家适应新的游戏元素,构建一个新的特许产品,这些都将面临一些挑战。基于团队的射击和机器人组件可能会吓跑一些射击类游戏死忠。但好的一面是,这种基于团队作战的特征也可能会吸引来一些《传奇联盟》(League of Legends)的粉丝——这款游戏拥有超过8,500万玩家),其中不少人已经开始免费玩另一家网游开发商Riot Games的五对五PC版游戏。

    由于索尼PlayStation 4的全球销量已经率先突破600万台大关,《泰坦陨落》有望给微软公司的硬件销量注入一针期待已久的强心剂。赞佩拉说,这款游戏的Xbox One版本已经让开发者获得了开拓全球市场的能力。


    《泰坦陨落》这个品牌正在向游戏之外扩展,类似科乐思泰坦陨落拼砌套装(K'NEX Titanfall Building Sets)这样的产品将在今年6月份正式推出。玩家们现在可以购买已经获得授权的电子产品,比如美加狮游戏耳机(Mad Catz TRITTON)、R.A.T鼠标、S.T.R.I.K.E.键盘、F.R.E.Q.游戏耳机和G.L.I.D.E.游戏界面。不过这些仅仅只是个开始,但愿《泰坦陨落》不要辜负游戏世界对它抱有的美好期许。(财富中文网)



    Titanfall breaks from tradition in the shooter genre by ditching the single-play campaign mode. It focuses solely on multiplayer gameplay. The game also introduces dynamically different gameplay within its near-future battlefields by allowing players to fight as elite assault pilots on the ground with parkour-style wall running and double jumps. Gamers can also get behind the controls of hulking, heavily armored 24-foot-tall titans and plow their way through war zones as team-based members of either the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) or the Militia. The ability to seamlessly jump in and out of these titans introduces new tactics and strategies to the crowded, but lucrative, shooter genre.

    "For us it was about not doing something that was similar to what was done before," said Zampella. "In Titanfall the gameplay is more vertical. The pilots are very agile. They can run on walls. They can jump higher. That's mixed with these Titans, which are an extension of you. It's an exoskeleton style."

    Critics who've been able to play the game early through press events and the online beta have loved Titanfall. Over the past year, the game has accumulated accolades from around the world to the tune of more than 80 awards. Pachter said Metacritic scores and strong word of mouth could push his sales estimates even higher for the game.

    Warman believes there will be some challenges in getting gamers acclimated to the new gameplay elements and establishing a new franchise. The team-based shooting and robot component could scare away some of the core shooter audience. But on the plus side, the team battle component could draw in some of the over 85 million League of Legends fans that Riot Games has attracted to its free-to-play five-on-five PC game.

    With Sony eclipsing the 6-million-unit mark sold worldwide first with its PS4, Titanfall is expected to give Microsoft a much-needed hardware sales boost. Zampella said the Xbox One version of the game has given the developers the ability to expand the world.

    "We're putting the single-player experience into the multiplayer," said Zampella. "We have dedicated servers, which is something we didn't have on consoles before. All that AI [artificial intelligence] that you see running around is calculated on the server, so now there's no host advantage. It's a better experience for all the players. And it's a more vivid world to explore."

    The Titanfall brand is expanding beyond games with licensing deals like a line of K'NEX Titanfall Building Sets, which will launch this June. Gamers can now purchase licensed electronics like Mad Catz TRITTON gaming headsets, R.A.T mice, S.T.R.I.K.E. keyboards, F.R.E.Q. gaming headsets and G.L.I.D.E. gaming surfaces. And that's just the beginning, as long as the game lives up to the very high expectations.

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