可能这些分析师低估了这两支亚洲新生力量的雄心壮志。比如,COS的开发团队就宣称,他们已经修复了Linux内核的大量漏洞,包括多种安全风险,而这些漏洞会导致Android这类国外开发的操作系统容易受到监控或数据失窃。凭借一些全新优化,以及正在开发的在线应用商店,COS放出豪言,它能成为中国本土制造的家用电脑和智能手机操作系统的不二之选。 而三星对泰泽的抱负更大。除了将它用于三星包括可穿戴设备在内的所有消费者电器外,三星正在和丰田汽车公司(Toyota)和捷豹路虎公司(Jaguar Land Rover)洽谈,希望将泰泽用在汽车上。它还打算让泰泽成为印度和印尼这类新兴市场的首选操作系统,这些国家对相对便宜的智能手机的需求正在呈现爆发性的增长。 移动计算的全球争霸终极对决最终总会决出胜负。这是一场美国与亚洲的对决——双方都孤注一掷,全力以赴。(财富中文网) 译者:清远 |
It's possible that analysts underestimate the raw ambition of the Asian newcomers. For example, the group behind COS claims to have fixed many bugs in the original Linux kernel, including security risks that render foreign-made operating systems like Android vulnerable to surveillance and data theft. With the new enhancements, and an online app store in development, COS is betting it can become the OS of choice for Chinese home computers and smartphones. Samsung has even more ambitious plans for Tizen. In addition to using it across all its consumer electronics, including wearable devices, the company is talking to Toyota and Jaguar Land Rover about bringing Tizen to automobiles. It also wants Tizen to become the OS of choice in emerging markets, like India and Indonesia, where demand for cheaper smartphones has exploded. There will be winners and losers in the showdown for world domination coming to mobile computing. It's America vs. Asia -- and the stakes could not be higher. |