

Adam Lashinsky 2014年03月28日







    I think they're a very tough competitor, and I think they're doing a fine job of holding their own. Cisco still has very large market share. I would argue almost unnaturally high market share. It's somewhere between 50% and 70% of the switching and datacenter market. We don't participate in the entire switching market that Cisco has. Arista is only focused on the data center and the cloud piece of it. But I guess I would come back to you and say that no market is forever. All markets mature and what's exciting for Cisco is to have some tough competitors that keep them nimble, and certainly, Arista's an example of that.

    But what's most exciting for Arista is we don't have to succeed because Cisco fails or vice versa. The market, the total available market, is so large that we both can succeed without Peter robbing Paul, or whatever. So in my view customers are looking for an alternative. The more conservative customers who have grown up with Cisco in their traditional enterprises certainly will stay with Cisco. Just like you don't get fired for buying IBM, you won't get fired for buying Cisco, and those are not the traditional technical customer community that comes to Arista first. They might come later.

    We're very much in the early adopter phase where the ones who come to us are the ones who are really looking to build this open modern network and know they need a multi-vendor solution to that.

    It's really a tipping point moment because remember, the data center market right now is anticipated to be around $3 billion or $4 billion. And in the next three years, it's supposed to get to $10 billion. Some even say $16 billion. But let's take the low-end of this. So, the way we look at it is even if you say half or 70% of Cisco, because that's the way life goes, even with the best technology people will go with old habits. We think that there is enough market, enough opportunity and enough customers who want a second vendor. And because we don't have the legacy of having built an enterprise, we could start with a clean sheet of paper and only offer that. Cisco will come from their strength of legacy and Arista will come from its strength of novelty.

    We have a great deal of respect for the company and in fact I think our approaches are entirely different. Since I helped build the enterprise, I would never compete with Cisco directly in the enterprise in a conventional way. It makes no sense. It would take me 15 years and 15,000 engineers, and that's not a recipe for success.

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