8. 如果你可以改变职业生涯中的一件事,你会改变什么? 我希望当初能在职业生涯中早些学会商界用语的运用。科技界与商界使用两套不同的术语,讲的却往往是同样的事情。当使命与策略彼此一致,而且整个团队都在朝同一个方向冲刺的时候,那种感觉无与伦比。 9.你在校期间学到的最重要的东西是什么? 斯坦福大学强调的是,学生去那儿是为了“学会学习之道”。人一辈子都离不开学习,因而需要学会将这种技能最大化。每个人都应将终身学习作为自己的习惯。 10.你有没有什么独特或古怪的习惯? 我是各种新奇玩意的狂热玩家。我热衷于那些新奇的电子设备,总会去弄来把玩,但十有八九过不了几周就会把它们束之高阁。最近,我搞了一个绑在背上的小设备,只要你坐姿不对它就会发出震动。我想试着借此矫正我的坐姿。很遗憾,试用第一天我就不得不主持公司全体会议。我发言的时候它一直在震个不停。这么说吧,这个小设备的试用只持续了几个小时。(财富中文网) 译者:Liam |
8. If you could have done anything differently in your career, what would it have been? I wish I had learned to speak the language of business a bit earlier in my career. Technology and business both use different vocabularies, but often are saying the same things. It's phenomenal when you have alignment on a mission and strategy with an entire team charging in the same direction. 9. What was the most important thing you learned in school? At Stanford, it was emphasized that you're there "to learn how to learn." You're going to be learning your entire life, so you need to figure out how to optimize that skill. Everyone should make lifelong learning a habit. 10. What is one unique or quirky habit that you have? I'm a gadget freak. I love electronic gadgets. I'm always trying them out. Nine times out of 10, they wind up on the shelf after a couple of weeks. Recently, I tried to improve my posture with a device that straps on to your back and will buzz if you're sitting improperly. Unfortunately, the first day I tried it I wound up sitting onstage at a company all-hands meeting, and it was buzzing constantly as I was talking. Let's just say that gadget experiment lasted for just a few hours. |