

David Cote 2014-06-04

    全世界75%的GDP与95%的人口不在美国。几个世纪以来,贸易型国家始终能够受益。全球GDP的构成正在发生重大变化,而我们需要对美国进行正确定位,使美国从中获益。二十年前,美国约占全球GDP的27%;2010年为26%;据环球透视(Global Insight)预测,到2030年,美国占全球GDP的比例将降至24%。1990年,其他发达国家所占比例为50%,2010年为41%,截至2030年将降至29%。发展中国家(主要以中国为首)从1990年的23%提高到2010年的33%,截至2030年所占比例将达到47%。换句话说,20年后,发展中国家将占全球GDP的一半左右。我们必须从现在开始培养与发展中国家的关系。






    About 75% of world GDP and 95% of the world’s population are outside the US. Trading nations have benefitted for centuries. Composition of world GDP is changing significantly and we need to position our country to benefit. Twenty years ago the U.S. was 27% of world GDP; in 2010 it was 26%; and by 2030, it will be 24% according to Global Insight. Other developed countries were 50% in 1990, 41% in 2010, and will be 29% by 2030. Developing countries (in large part led by China) have grown from 23% in 1990 to 33% in 2010 and will be 47% by 2030. In other words, developing economies will be about half of world GDP in 20 years. We have to be in there forging relationship now.

    The choice is simple … and stark. Are we so focused on our entitlements and our arguments that we’ve forgotten what made us great – that is, hard work, math and science, technical skills, a dynamic economy, a sense of purpose, relying on ourselves and not blaming others, taking personal ownership of our future, and being able to individually act in our self interest while not forgetting our collective purpose.

    Some people in the world, and some countries even, believe our time has passed. That a once great economic and military power has taken the first steps on the path to decline; that we cannot resolve our internal differences to make the difficult choices needed as a society; that having achieved greatness, we’ve forgotten what got us here … and can no longer act.

    I do believe our form of government is the best there is. It has proven over 200 years to be the most sustainable and responsive to change, appealing to the basic need for freedom and inclusion that resides in every person. We must never forget though, that the long-term stability of our system and our belief in the enduring strength of our system cannot be an excuse to not act when confronted by great changes in the world. We shouldn’t wait for the crisis to focus on our collective purpose. We need to start acting now. We need government that pulls together, rather than one that pulls apart.

    David Cote is chairman and CEO of Honeywell.
