Alex Taylor III
4.中型车:丰田凯美瑞 在美国销量最高的中级家轿领域,从1997年起就没有人能撼动丰田凯美瑞(Camry)的老大地位。凯美瑞的外形平庸可能是最让丰田车迷诟病的地方,不过丰田也听取了他们的建议。由于有人表示2012款的凯美瑞难看得像一条用过的肥皂,丰田决心对2015款凯美瑞进行一次“大微调”,以继续保持对本田雅阁(Accord)和日产天籁(Nissan Altima)的领先优势。 |
4. Midsize car: Toyota Camry Nobody can lay a hand on Camry, the long-time leader (since 1997) of this, America’s highest-volume passenger-care segment. The middle-of-the-road sedan may bore enthusiasts as fashion-conscious buyers complain about stodgy styling, but Toyota does listen. After complaints about the 2012 redesign, which was about as distinctive as a used bar of soap, the company ordered a speeded up “big minor change” for 2015 to keep ahead of Honda’s Accord and Nissan’s Altima. |