

Fortune Editors 2014-06-17

    10. Facebook

    十年前,就读于哈佛大学(Harvard)的本科生马克•扎克伯格推出了让世界互联互通的服务。十年后,Facebook距离13亿活跃用户的目标越来越近,其中五分之三的用户每天登录Facebook。通过不断滚动的个人更新(许多网站的主打内容)“新闻馈送”,Facebook引入了浏览网页的新方法。此外,Facebook还利用人际关系,而非页面链接,推出了组织数字信息的新方法。在这个过程中,Facebook彻底改造了网络品牌营销,用高度针对性的广告取代了广受非议的横幅广告,而这在2013年为它带来了79亿美元的销售额。刚过而立之年的扎克伯格继续经营Facebook,他慷慨捐款推动教育改革;截至目前,他已经出资2.2亿美元,用来推动新泽西州纽瓦克市和旧金山湾区的学校改革。——Jessi Hempel

    10. Facebook

    A decade after Mark Zuckerberg, then a Harvard undergrad, launched a service to connect everyone in the world, Facebook FB 0.02% is growing closer to its goal: 1.3 billion active users, three-fifths of whom log on every single day. Facebook introduced a new way to navigate the web—via the scrolling “newsfeed” of personal updates that has become a staple on many websites—and a new way to organize digital information—via personal relationships instead of page links. In the process, the company reinvented brand marketing on the web, replacing the reviled banner ad with highly targeted ads that brought in $7.9 billion in sales in 2013. Even as Zuckerberg, who just turned 30, continues to run Facebook, he’s using his largesse to tackle education reform; he has pledged $220 million so far to school reform efforts in Newark, N.J. and the Bay Area. —Jessi Hempel
