Benjamin Snyder
8.红牛易拉罐车 红牛是富含咖啡因的能量饮料,喝了以后会让人觉得自己能飞起来。但看到一辆灵感来自于红牛饮料罐的汽车同样也会让人精神一振。这辆大众车顶着一个巨大的红牛饮料罐。这家公司用它参加一些特别的活动,包括对多项汽车和摩托车赛事的赞助。(财富中文网) 译者:Charlie |
8.The Red Bull Mobile Drinking Redbull, the caffeine-fortified energy drink, makes you feel like you can fly. But seeing a Red Bull-inspired car provides its own energy kick. The car, a Volkswagen, has a giant drink can on its roof. The company brings out the vehicle for special occasions involving its many sponsorships of car and motorcycle races. |