金融信息公司Sageworks周三发布报告显示,美国私营部门中15个最赚钱的行业以医疗保健和房地产为主。 它们在榜单上占据了几乎一半的位置,由此也反映出这些领域正快速增长。“全民医保计划”使得享有医保的病人激增,而住宅和写字楼市场也已经从衰退中反弹回来。 Sageworks以截止到今年6月的过去12个月内公司的利润率为基础,制出了这份榜单。他们在统计中排除了税务因素,计入了企业主在市场水平的工资之外的经营收入。 在这份榜单中,服务行业也占据了不少席位,如会计和法律服务。根据Sageworks分析师詹娜•韦弗的说法,这很大程度上是由于市场对这类服务的需求很大,而它们的运营成本相对较低。韦弗在声明中表示:“这类公司提供从记账到法律咨询到卫生保健的各种服务,却不需要购入太多固定资产。” (说明:去年上榜行业的利润率在今年上榜时已经进行了修订。) |
Health care and real estate dominate a list of the country’s 15 most profitable privately-held businesses, according to a report released Wednesday by Sageworks, a financial information company. That heavy representation – nearly half the list – reflects the growth in those areas. Universal healthcare has spawned an influx of insured patients while the housing and office markets have rebounded from its recession-era doldrums. Sagework’s rankings are based on the company profit margins over the 12 months ending in June. The calculations exclude taxes and include owner compensation in excess of their market-rate salaries. Also featured heavily on the list are various service-based industry sectors like accounting and legal services, largely because of their consistent demand for their services combined with relatively low operating costs, according to Sageworks analyst Jenna Weaver. “These kinds of businesses sell services from bookkeeping to legal advice to health care and do not need to purchase as many, if any, physical goods,” Weaver said in a statement. (Note: Profit margins of companies that made last year’s list have been revised since their initial release). |
第1:会计、报税、记账以及工资服务 这一行业在榜单上排名第一,纯利润率达到19.8%,比去年的16.3%还要高。与上榜的其他服务型行业类似,会计等行业是能够持续盈利的生意,因为它们的需求量很大,而日常开支和设备成本却相当低。 |
1. Accounting, tax preparation, book keeping and payroll services This industry sector tops the list with a net profit margin of 19.8%, an improvement over the revised 16.3% from last year. Like several other service-based industries on this list, accounting et al. make for consistently profitable businesses because they are generally in demand and can operate with fairly low overhead and equipment costs. |