

Beth Kowitt 2014年09月10日


    非洲农村扶贫项目(Rural Outreach Africa)创始人

  Ruth Oniang’o

  Founder, Rural Outreach Africa

    欧妮雅戈筹集的资金已经给3万余名肯尼亚农民提供了帮助,其中的大多数人是妇女。她为这项事业贡献了毕生心血,试图以此提高非洲农村的农业生产技能和营养水平。欧妮雅戈曾经是肯尼亚议会的一名议员,也是一位食品科学教授。她现在是美国塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)的一位副教授。欧妮雅戈曾经为不计其数的国际组织提供过咨询,包括盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)等。今年2月,她加入了杜邦公司(DuPont)的农业创新与生产力咨询委员会。

    Oniang’o has raised money to help 30,000 small farmers in Kenya, most of whom are women. She’s spent her career devoted to this cause, promoting better farming techniques and nutrition. She was once a member of the Kenyan parliament and a professor of food science in Kenya; today she’s an adjunct professor at Tufts. She’s advised countless international organizations, including the Gates Foundation, and in February she joined DuPont’s advisory committee on agricultural innovation and productivity.

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