

Chris Matthews 2014-10-08



    5、西纳罗亚集团(Sinaloa Cartel) 收入:30亿美元

    西纳罗亚是墨西哥最大的贩毒集团。作为南美非法毒品的生产商和难以遏制的美国毒品市场的中间人,他们是让墨西哥人十分恐惧的几个团伙之一。白宫毒品控制政策办公室(Office of Drug Control Policy)估计,美国人每年要消费1,000亿美元的非法毒品,而兰德公司(RAND Corporation)表示,其中的65亿美元流入墨西哥贩毒集团。西纳罗亚在其中大概有60%的市场占有率,因此以每年大约30亿美元的收入上榜。



    4. ‘Ndrangheta—Revenue: $4.5 billion

    Based in the Calabria region of Italy, the ‘Ndarangheta is the country’s second largest mafia group by revenue. While it is involved in many of the same illicit activities as Camorra, ‘Ndrangheta has made its name for itself by building international ties with South American cocaine dealers, and it controls much of the transatlantic drug market that feeds Europe. It has also been expanding its operations in the U.S. and has helped prop up the Gambino and Bonnano crime families in New York. In February, Italian and American police forces arrested dozens of ‘Ndrangheta and Gambino family members and charged them with crimes related to the transatlantic drug trade.

    5. Sinaloa Cartel—Revenue $3 billion

    Sianola is Mexico’s largest drug cartel, one of several gangs that has been terrorizing the Mexican population as it serves as the middleman between South American producers of illegal drugs and an unquenchable American market. The White House Office of Drug Control Policy estimates that Americans spend $100 billion on illegal drugs each year, and the RAND Corporation says that about $6.5 billion of that reaches Mexican cartels. With an estimated 60% market share, Sinola cartel is raking in approximately $3 billion per year.

    Despite the fact that Sinaloa’s leader was arrested February, the cartel seems to have avoided the sort of bloody—and costly—succession battle that has plagued some groups when a leader is taken out of commission.
