

JP Mangalindan 2014年10月30日

    NetApp全球各地员工以不同方式感谢同事。在印度,经理们会在“光荣墙”上留言称赞他人的出色表现。西班牙团队每季度选出一名员工,在显要位置张贴他们的名字和照片,并附上“NetApp爱你”的标题。“践行我们的价值观奖”(Living Our Values Awards)是NetApp最大的员工奖励计划,员工可以提名全球各地的同事——每个地区得票数最多的员工,其名字会由乔根斯在全员大会上宣读,并且在演示视频中露面。

    当然,这并不是说NetApp员工没有传统意义上的物质福利。努力工作有时会当场获得现金奖励,奖励金额取决于获得的成就。“志愿者假”(Volunteer Time Off)项目给予员工40个小时或5个工作日的额外带薪假,只要他们将其中部分时间用于志愿服务。(对何为志愿服务,公司并无正规批准流程或限制。)


    为了鼓励健康的生活方式,NetApp总部员工拥有26,000平方英尺的健身中心,其中包括一个可变为排球场、室内足球场和羽毛球场地的室内篮球馆,并提供免费的健身课程。今年10月份,NetApp举办了“运动起来”(Get Up and Go)挑战赛,1,900名美国员工(约占公司员工总数的16%)使用了FitBit健康追踪设备,来记录自己的运动。获胜的团队得到了1,000美元捐款,并将其捐给了美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society)。




    NetApp employees around the world thank colleagues in different ways. In India, managers leave notes of appreciation on a “Wall of Awesomeness” highlighting others’, well, awesome deeds. In Spain, the team picks one employee each quarter and prominently displays their name and photo with the caption, “NetApp Loves You.” The “Living Our Values Awards,” NetApp’s largest employee recognition program, sees colleagues nominate one another around the world — the employee in each region with the most votes is called out by Georgens at an all-hands meeting and gets face-time in a video.

    Of course, that’s not to say NetApp employees are perk-free in the traditional sense. Hard work sometimes begets on-the-spot cash bonuses that vary based on achievement. With the “Volunteer Time Off” program, employees receive an extra 40 hours — or 5 days — of paid time off, provided they spend some of that working for a cause. (There’s no formal approval process or restrictions to what constitutes a cause.)

    Dead car battery? Locked car door? Discounted car services at the Sunnyvale offices — onsite carwashes, detailing, tune-ups and parts replacements — can help with that. On-site massages, laundry and dry cleaning are available, not to mention subsidized take-home meals from local chefs, even holiday pie sales.

    To encourage a healthy lifestyle, employees at NetApp headquarters have a 26,000-square-foot fitness center, with an indoor basketball gym that transforms into volleyball, indoor soccer and badminton courts, and free exercise classes. This October, NetApp held a “Get Up and Go” challenge, where 1,900 U.S. employees — or about 16 % of the company — used FitBit health tracking devices to track their movements. The winning team received a $1,000 donation, which it gave to the American Cancer Society.

    Still, Mendoza says NetApp keeps workers happy and inspired in ways beyond just material niceties. “We’re about offering the most when our people need the least,” says Mendoza. “We want to be there for them before they ‘win’ or ‘lose.’

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