

Eric Heinrich 2014年11月19日
腾讯旗下热门聊天应用微信坐拥数亿中国用户,作为其在亚洲最大的竞争对手,日本的Line公司即将启动IPO。而被Facebook 收入囊中,国际范十足的WhatsApp自然也不愿错失庞大的亚洲市场。一切迹象都表明,亚洲聊天应用市场的三国大战才刚刚开始。






    And still there are are others: South Korea’s Kakao and India’s Hike are also popular services but are not considered significant threats to WeChat and Line. “China is where the real battles will occur,” Putcha says. “Tencent is way ahead with WeChat and instant messaging service QQ. But Line is getting traction in Southeast Asia and India by offering free calls on top of all their other services.”

    And that’s to say nothing of future competition. Alibaba, the world’s largest e-commerce company with annual sales exceeding those of Amazon and eBay combined, has started its own instant-messaging service called Laiwang. The company BABA -3.87% is also developing mobile games, videos, and a mobile search service with the Beijing-based browser company UCWeb.

    Why would Alibaba engage in such an effort? To counter Tencent’s partnership with its arch e-commerce rival JD.com, of course. (Tencent continues to stack its Internet platform with additional services. Most recently, it received permission from Chinese regulators to create a private bank.)

    Which all goes to say that the battle over chat apps in Asia has only just begun.

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