

Michael Casey、Rober Hackett 2014-11-21


    • 2013年研发支出:106亿美元

    • 占收入的百分比:20.1%

    这家总部位于加州圣克拉拉的芯片制造商投资研发的目的是为了跟上摩尔定律的步伐。1965年,英特尔(Intel)联合创始人戈登•摩尔发现,计算机的运算能力每两年就会翻一番。该公司一直致力于在集成电路中纳入更多的晶体管,并把大多数研发资金都用在了产品开发上。英特尔副总裁、元件研究部门总监迈克尔•梅伯里说:“随着晶圆价格因制造工序增多而逐步上升,研发成本变得越来越高。复杂性推高了成本。”这从该公司最近为研发14纳米酷睿 M处理器而付出的努力便可见一斑。该产品的尺寸是上一代处理器的一半,电池寿命延长了20%,能耗降低了60%。

    3. Intel

    • R&D spending in 2013: $10.6 billion

    • As a percentage of revenue: 20.1%

    The Santa Clara, Calif.-based chip manufacturer invests in R&D to keep pace with Moore’s Law, an observation by company co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965 that computing power doubles every two years. As the company works to cram more transistors onto its circuits, development eats most of the company’s R&D spending. “It’s getting more expensive to do the development piece of it because wafers get more expensive over time as more steps get added to the process,” says Michael Mayberry, vice president and director of components research at Intel. “Complexity drives cost.” One recent example of the company’s R&D efforts includes the 14nm Intel Core M processor, which is half the size of the previous generation of chips with 20% longer battery life and 60% less energy expenditure.
