

Chris Morris 2015年01月12日

    8. 智能奶瓶托

    Slow Control公司经常登上CES古怪产品排行榜。两年前该公司推出一款智能叉子,今年,它又带着一款智能奶瓶托强势重返CES。你只需要把任何一个奶瓶插进去,它就会通过一款手机应用告诉你,你的宝贝儿喝了多少奶。(它还能告诉你以什么角度给孩子喂奶可以避免孩子吸入空气,另外当奶瓶堵住的时候,它也会向你报警。)该设备将于今年夏天正式上市,售价大约100美元左右——或者你也可以直接看一眼奶瓶,就能知道娃喝了多少——但这样一来,给孩子喂奶还有什么乐趣呢?

    8. Baby GiGL

    Slow Control is a regular on the “Weird CES” list. Two years ago, it introduced the SmartFork – and this year, it’s back with a smart baby bottle monitor. Just put any bottle into the sleeve and, working in conjunction with an app, it will let you know how much your child has consumed. (It also offers feedback on holding the bottle at an angle to prevent the child from consuming air and alerts when there’s a blockage.) The device will go on sale this summer for about $100 – or you could just look at the bottle and figure out how much junior has consumed. But where’s the fun in that?

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