

Matt Keener 2015年01月20日

8. 亚马逊的自助出版工具

你是否一直有一个作家梦,但又不知道从何着手?那么你是否考虑过自助出版呢?感谢亚马逊,这种想法已经成为可能。亚马逊的Kindle Direct Publishing工具可以让你自行制作电子书,CreateSpace能够帮助制作纸质书籍,而ACX则是有声电子书的制作部门。我在出书时曾使用过这三款软件。

9. HitTail


10. Copyscape


11. MailChimp


12. Zoho CRM



13. iPhone 提醒


14. 谷歌日历



15. WeTransfer


16. Zapier




8. Amazon’s Self-Publishing Tools

Always wanted to be an author but not sure where to start? Have you considered self-publishing? Thanks to Amazon, you can. Kindle Direct Publishing allows you to get the word out via e-books, CreateSpacehelps you develop a print edition and ACX is the audio publishing division. I’ve used all three to develop my book.

9. HitTail

Deciding what to blog about can become time consuming. HitTailanalyzes the data in your Google Webmaster Tools account and makes recommendations for long-tail words to write about. In addition, HitTail has a network of skilled writers who can create the content for you.

10. Copyscape

If you outsource any or all of your content writing, you need to make sure your content is original. Paste content into Copyscape’s analyzer tool, and you’ll instantly know whether the content is original.

11. MailChimp

Effective email marketing involves more than occasionally blasting out a newsletter. To build an effective email marketing strategy, you need a tool packed with functionality. MailChimp seems to be the best system out there, offering elegant, intuitive newsletter templates, advanced list segmentation features and marketing automation capabilities.

12. Zoho CRM

If you’re looking for a free CRM system, Zoho is probably the one for you. Why? It comes down to the integration possibilities. For example, Zoho integrates with JotForm and Unbounce simply by adding your API key. This means that within seconds, web leads will automatically be sent to your CRM. Pretty powerful for being free.

Time Management

13. iPhone Reminders

I formerly had an Android device (even though I have had a MacBook since 2009 – weird, I know). After switching this summer, I quickly realized the power of iPhone “Reminders.” Each time a reminder is due, your iPhone buzzes and displays a pop-up. You can snooze it or mark as completed. In addition, you can set up recurring reminders, which are perfect for remembering to mail estimated quarterly tax payments, renewing subscriptions, running payroll and other things you tend to forget.

14. Google Calendar

You may already use Google Calendar, but are you using it wisely? Here’s a secret: only put stuff on your Google Calendar that will actually happen at that date and time. Use iPhone Reminders to remember things that are not time-sensitive (down to the hour or minute). Following this strategy will help you stay more sane.

Everything Else

15. WeTransfer

Need to send gigantic files (up to 2gb) quickly? Try WeTransfer.com. You don’t even have to create an account. I use it almost every day.

16. Zapier

The average entrepreneur uses dozens of cloud-based software and apps. Zapier connects your online life and helps you build new functionality. The best part about Zapier is that you don’t have to be an API wizard to use it.

With the right tools in place, you’ll find yourself more productive and efficient.

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