

Sujan Patel 2015-01-22

    11. 你能否说出谁将从你的产品或服务中获益?


    12. 可能会购买你产品或服务的市场规模有多大?


    13. 你是否曾向潜在客户寻求反馈?


    14. 你能否设计出一个登陆页面,鼓励有兴趣的人注册成用户以了解更多信息?


    15. 生产一款可用于市场测试的最简便可行产品的成本是多少?


    16. 你能否让目标市场的付费客户,根据设计图或实物模型便预订产品?


    17. 你能否自己生产产品?或者这方面你有没有一位可靠的合作方?


    18. 你有没有可以帮你扩大业务规模的经销商或合作伙伴?


    19. 如何才能实现收支平衡或盈利?


    20. 投资者如何从你的想法中获利?




    11. Can you name somebody who would benefit from your product or service?

    This is the beginning of market research — who do you actually know that would use your idea? A general demographic isn’t enough, so take the time to hone in your target buyer personas.

    12. What is the size of the market that will buy your product or service?

    If you don’t know the size of the market, you have a lot of research ahead of you. Understanding how many people need your idea — and what they’re willing to pay for it — will help you determine whether your concept is viable.

    13. Have you reached out to potential customers for feedback?

    Getting feedback before investing further money can help you avoid creating a product or service that nobody really wants.

    14. Can you set up a landing page and encourage interested people to sign up for more information?

    This can be an easy and inexpensive way to test interest in a product or service. If a lot of people are interested, it’s a great sign that you’re on the right track!

    15. What would it take to build a minimum viable product to test the market?

    One mistake many entrepreneurs make is thinking that they have to launch a finished concept right away. Consider starting small, gauging interest and iterating as you go.

    16. Can you get paying customers from your target market to pre-order based on a blueprint or mockup?

    Pre-orders are a solid sign of customer commitment. Someone saying they’re interested is one thing, but seeing people actually pony up their credit card information is a much stronger sign of potential success.

    17. Can you produce the actual product yourself, or do you have a partner who can?

    As you might expect, before launch, you need to know who’s actually going to produce the first set of products or services, as well as whether they can do so within your budget.

    18. Do you have distributors or partners to help you scale your business?

    Once you have paying customers, you’ll need to ramp up actual distribution to meet demand. Do you have access to the partners and/or money needed to do so?

    19. What will it take to break even or make a profit?

    Some ideas take a lot of upfront investment, while others don’t. If yours does, it’s a good idea to plan for how you’ll handle your finances and daily needs while you’re waiting for your product or service to gain traction.

    20. How can investors in your idea make a profit?

    If you want others to come alongside your business and help you grow, you’ll have to know how they can benefit.

    It may take some time to come up with answers to all these questions, but once you have them, you should have a better idea about how viable your idea is. If it passes these tests, go for it! If not, keep thinking — your next idea may be the one that changes the world.
