瑞茜•威瑟斯彭 瑞茜•威瑟斯彭最出名的角色,莫过于她在2001年电影《律政俏佳人》扮演的艾莉•伍兹。其实她还曾凭借在2005年电影《一往无前》中塑造的琼•卡特•凯西斩获了奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。另外她还是儿童保护基金会的理事。真是个强大的女人。 当她没有忙于拿奥斯卡小金人或为儿童权益奔走呼号时,她会在自己的太平洋标准公司努力工作。该公司是她与澳大利亚电影制片人布鲁纳•帕潘德里尔共同创办的。2014年推出的第一部作品《消失的爱人》就获得评论界的盛赞。(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 审校:任文科 |
Reese Witherspoon Reese Witherspoon is best known for playing Elle Woods in the 2001 movie “Legally Blonde,” despite the fact that she took home a Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in 2005’s “Walk the Line.” She also sits on the board of directors of the Children’s Defense Fund. Formidable. When she’s not busy winning Academy Awards and working on behalf of child advocacy groups, she’s hard at work at her production company, Pacific Standard, which she co-founded with Australian movie producerBruna Papandrea. Its first release was 2014’s critically acclaimed “Gone Girl.” |