卡贝拉公司 户外连锁店卡贝拉在全美拥有50多家大型门店,2013年它在德州韦科市的新店开张时,许多人前一天早上8点就冒雨在门口排起了长队。 但这家公司在1961年的起步之路却异常艰辛。创始人迪克•卡贝拉已于2014年2月去世。 卡贝拉最早在当地一家报纸上登广告卖钓鱼用的假蝇,但这则广告只吸引来一位客户。降低售价后,客户大幅增长。之后他开始做邮寄广告。卡贝拉和太太玛莉最早是在内布拉斯加州查普尔市的自家厨房里做这桩生意的。1964年,这对夫妇又将办公地搬到了卡贝拉父亲经营的家具商店的地下室。 又搬了几次地方后,在1969年,他们将营业场所迁至内布拉斯加州悉尼市一座原本归美国迪尔公司所有,面积约5万平方英尺的建筑。就是在那里,卡贝拉开始显露出我们今天所熟知的规模。 |
Cabela's The outdoor superstore has more than 50 enormous outposts across the country, with the 2013 Waco store opening attracting a line in the rain beginning at 8 a.m.the day before. But the company got started very humbly in 1961 by Dick Cabela, who died in February 2014. Cabela first placed a newspaper ad to sell fishing flies in a local paper, but the ad received just one response. He then lowered his price, and more people responded. From there he grew a mailing list. Dick and his wife, Mary, first ran their burgeoning business from their kitchen in Chappell, Neb. When it outgrew the kitchen, Cabela’s moved to the basement of Dick’s father’s furniture store in 1964. After moving to a few other locations, in 1969 their next site began to show signs of the scale we know Cabela’s for today: it was a 50,000 square-foot former John Deere building in Sidney, Neb. |