

Daniel Bukszpan 2015年03月16日

    6. 《怪兽公司》

    《怪兽公司》(Monsters, Inc)讲述了在一个靠小孩子恐惧的尖叫声提供能源的怪兽世界里,两只小怪兽如何成为怪兽公司头牌恐吓者的故事。本片的配音演员有约翰•古德曼、比利•克里斯托和史蒂夫•布西密等,它也是少数父母可以与孩子共同享受观影乐趣的儿童片之一。

    该片在2001年11月一经上映就获得巨额票房,当时只有《哈利波特》(Harry Potter )第一部和《指环王》(Lord of the Ring)系列电影能把它拉下票房榜首宝座。该片的票房收入达到2.9亿美元,约合现在的3.88亿美元。

    6. Monsters, Inc.

    Monsters, Inc. is the story of two creatures that help power their hometown of Monstropolis with the screams of the children they scare. It features the voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal and Steve Buscemi, and is the rare children’s film that parents could actually enjoy along with their kids.

    It opened to huge box office totals in November 2001, with only the first Harry Potter and Lord of the Ringsmovies able to knock it off its lofty perch. It earned $290 million in its theatrical run, or $388 million in today’s dollars.

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