6、奢华的商务派对或旅行。这种开销可能也会很有乐趣,但并不明智。一家初出茅庐的初创公司这样乱花钱,绝对不是成功的好兆头——它只是败家的标志。 7、无法衡量效果的拓展业务。不管是公关、营销还是品牌推广,如果不能准确衡量效果,就不该花钱。如果手头紧,就要把钱花在刀刃上,花在那些你知道能促进企业成长的事情上。 8、买粉丝、电邮营销清单或其他所谓“客户”。一般来说,这些不光是诓人的玩意儿,也不是获取客户的好方法。说自己有成千上万的粉丝可能显得挺牛,但如果这些粉丝都是冒牌的,就永远也别指望这些钱能够产生回报。 9、高昂的物流或印刷开支。尽管有个商标和一些便宜的名片是必要的,但刚起步的公司在印刷或物流上花大钱是毫无道理的。首要任务是关注如何满足客户需求,漂亮的信签纸倒在其次。 10、还不确定能否赚到钱时就乱花钱。除非背后有特别财大气粗的投资者撑腰,否则在你能挣到足够的钱应付大额开销前,对这种大笔支出要慎之又慎。一个人过日子要量入为出,做生意也是同样道理。 每一家企业都是与众不同的,在不同时期有不同需求,这就是创业者身旁需要有人不断敲打,帮助你做出明智决策的原因所在。只有当你能把钱花在真正重要的事情上,你的企业才有望获得长期的成功。(财富中文网) 译者:清远 审校:任文科 |
6. Extravagant business parties or trips. Again, these expenses may be fun, but they’re not wise. This kind of spending in a young company isn’t a sign of success — it’s a sign of wastefulness. 7. Non-measurable outreach efforts. Whether it’s PR, marketing or branding, if you can’t measure the results of your efforts, you shouldn’t spend the money. When money is tight, start by focusing your spending on things you know can build your business. 8. Buying followers, email marketing lists or other “customers.” Not only is this usually a scam, it’s not a great way to get customers. It may look good to say you have thousands of followers, but if they’re fake, you’re never going to see a return on that cost. 9. Expensive shipping or printing costs. While having a logo and some inexpensive business cards makes sense, there’s no reason for young companies to spend money on major printing or shipping expenses. Focus on meeting your customer needs first, and fancy stationery later. 10. Spending money before you’re sure you’ll make money. Unless you have some extremely generous investors in your back pocket, be especially cautious about spending significant amounts of money before you’re making enough to cover it. Just as individuals should live within their means, so should your business. Every business is unique and will have different needs at different times, which is why having someone who will hold you accountable can be very helpful when it comes to making smart decisions. When you spend money on the things that are truly important, you position your business well for long-term success. |