宠物食品快递 把自家的萌宠当亲人和孩子一样照顾的“狗奴”、“猫奴”大有人在。而且宠物一族的规模在“.com”时代之后仍在继续加大。Pets.com是“.com”时代一家非常出名的高估值网站,只可惜被一个简单的物流问题所累:1999年的时候,对于大部分消费者来说,从网上隔着大半个国家买狗粮在经济上并不划算。 如今随着全国性的快递网络的发展,好几家公司又拾起了宠物食品快递的生意。Pletflow.com在2014年的营收预计达到5000万美元以上。一家名叫Bark&Co的狗粮公司声称,它每年的业务额达到了1亿美元。就连Petco公司也推出了一项重复快递服务。 |
Pet food delivery The market for “pet parents,” who treat their dogs as well as children is a massive one, and that has only grown since the days of the dotcom bubble. But Pets.com, the most famous dotcom-era blow-up, was plagued by a simple logistical issue: In 1999, it didn’t make financial sense to ship giant bags of pet food across the country. Today, several companies have taken advantage of improvements from an improved national delivery network and revived this idea. Petflow.com expected $50 million in sales in 2014 and Bark&Co, a dog supply delivery service, claims it is a $100 million-per-year business. Even Petco has launched a repeat delivery service. |