10.AK-47自动步枪 在发现他的发明被用于犯罪用途之后,AK-47之父米哈伊尔•卡拉什尼科夫深感痛苦,在2013年去世前,他以94岁高龄写信给俄罗斯东正教主教祈伟义,对AK-47造成的诸多杀戮深表悔恨。 他在这封信中写道:“心灵上的痛苦无法承受……我始终有同一个未解的问题困扰着我:如果我发明的步枪夺走了很多人的生命,那么我……作为一个基督徒和东正教信徒,是否应该为他们的死负责?” 教会发言人亚历山大•沃尔科夫说道:“教会有一个非常明确的态度:当武器被用来保卫祖国时,教会支持他的发明者,也支持使用它的士兵。”(财富中文网) 译者:朴成奎 审校:任文科 |
10.AK-47 Mikhail Kalashnikov, developer of the AK-47 automatic assault rifle, found it painful when his weapon was used for criminal purposes, and before he died at the age of 94, in 2013, he reportedly wrote to Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox church to express his regret about the many deaths his creation made possible. “The spiritual pain is unbearable,” reads the letter attributed to him. "...I keep having the same unsolved question: if my rifle claimed people's lives, then can it be that I... a Christian and an Orthodox believer, was to blame for their deaths?" Church spokesman Alexander Volkov said, “The Church has a very definite position: when weapons serve to protect the Fatherland, the Church supports both its creators and the soldiers who use it.” |