5.办公隔间 1968年,也就是美剧《广告狂人》的主角们经常能在私人办公室的沙发上睡一个奢侈午觉的年代,罗伯特•普洛斯特提出了一个颇具未来主义的办公室装修格调,这种办公室没有真正意义上的墙和门。 他发明的“动感办公室”在当时看来是个很好的主意:有别于以外的开放式格局,这些壁板既是一个能够让人专心工作的空间,也给窝在小格子里的小白领们提供了更多的台面,价格也更便宜。 不过在80岁那年,普洛斯特对《财富》杂志回忆道:“他们一再压缩‘动感办公室’的空间,使它最终成了一个小格子。”后来他非常后悔自己参与创造了这种“千篇一律的疯狂”。 |
5.Cubicles In 1968, a year in which Mad Men characters are regularly depicted taking luxurious naps on their private office couches, Robert Propst proposed a futuristic office style with no real walls or doors. His creation, the Action Office, seemed like a good idea at the time: instead of an open air layout, the walls would provide places to pin up work and there would be more surfaces for the cube-dwellers. It was also cheaper. But as Propst recalled to Fortune at age 80, "They kept shrinking the Action Office until it became a cubicle,” and later he regretted his role in creating this “monolithic insanity.” |