Anne VanderMey

知识工作自动化 未来被机器人和3D打印机取代的,不仅仅是生产类工作。多布斯、马尼卡和华强森写道,至2025年,1.4亿知识工作者的工作将由计算机完成。既然人工智能程序沃森可以在益智问答电视节目《危险边缘》中战胜人类,还有什么能够阻止计算机完成其他知识性工作呢?比如司法取证和体育报道等。 |
Automation of knowledge work It’s not just manufacturing jobs that will be largely replaced by robots and 3D printers. Dobbs, Manyika, and Woetzel report that by 2025, computers could do the work of 140 million knowledge workers. If Watson can win at “Jeopardy!” there’s nothing stopping computers from excelling at other knowledge work, ranging from legal discovery to sports coverage. |