

Michal Addady 2015年10月14日




    百事可乐已经授权多个领域的合作机构出售带有百事可乐品牌的配件,过去曾同丹麦顶级音响和电视制造商Bang &Olufsen和意大利鞋履品牌Del Toro合作。

    率先爆出消息的MobiPicker在报道中称,百事可乐未来的手机Pepsi P1“品质不低,但不算高端配置”,预计本月20日会在北京发售。

    在1989年上映的电影《回到未来》第二部中,主人公马蒂·麦克弗莱穿越到了2015年的10月21日,喝上了未来世界的百事可乐。百事可乐手机预期上市日的次日,恰逢此日。为纪念这个特别的日子,百事可乐将还原影片中出现的可乐道具,在21日当天发售剧中同款的限量版“完美百事”(Pepsi Perfect)。(财富中文网)



    The rumors are true: PepsiCo Inc will start selling smartphones.

    MobiPicker was the first to report the story on Sunday, but Reuters confirmed the reports with a PepsiCo spokesperson on Monday. She told the publication that the company will not be manufacturing the technology, but rather will team up with a licensing partner.

    She did not specify who the partner would be or reveal any details about the phone. She simply said that it would be similar to other deals that PepsiCo has previously participated in.

    The company has licensing partners across a variety of different categories to sell accessories and apparel. In the past it has teamed up with Bang & Olufsen, a Danish luxury stereo and TV maker, and Del Toro, an Italian shoemaker.

    The original report from MobiPicker stated that the phone, Pepsi P1, will have “decent but not high-end specs,” and is expected to be released in Beijing on October 20.

    Just one day later, October 21, marks the day that Marty McFly time traveled to 2015 in Back to the Future II and enjoyed a futuristic Pepsi. To honor the date, PepsiCo will release its limited edition “Pepsi Perfect” in the same style as it appeared in the film.

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