Brian Chesky 布莱恩•切斯基 年龄:33 公司:Airbnb 个人净资产估值:30亿美元 遥想2007年,布莱恩•切斯基和同班同学乔•吉比亚曾经一穷二白,连拼租公寓的房租都付不起。为了不被房东扫地出门,两位颇有创新精神的工业设计师决定,将地板上摆放的三个气垫床出租,每个床位租金80美元。两人拼凑做了一个简单的网站,在网上兜售他们气垫床位的生意,还附上了地图指示所在公寓的方向,后来果真有几个人回复,做了他们的租客。成立Airbnb那种网站的创意从此萌生。切斯基和吉比亚就这样成为共享经济的鼻祖。 时隔八年,在得到知名创业公司孵化器Y Combinator大力支持后,Airbnb再也不是小打小闹的初创公司。这家网站的租房业务如今遍布全球190个国家和地区,预计平均每晚有80万人在线,一晚就可发布约200万个出租或求租信息。Airbnb不但成功跻身硅谷令人梦寐以求的“独角兽”公司行列,而且成为其中估值名列前茅的佼佼者。 Airbnb的商业概念是房东在自己不在家时出租屋里的床位供陌生人休息。切斯基坦言,他的母亲德博拉•切斯基曾评价,它是“有史以来最差劲的点子”。可现在,谁还怀疑它,觉得这不靠谱呢?切斯基不仅满足了母亲要他自己负担医疗保险的愿望,还拥有了多得不知道该怎么花的财富。 |
Brian Chesky Age: 33 Company: Airbnb Estimated net worth: $3 billion Back in 2007, Brian Chesky and his roommate Joe Gebbia were too broke to pay rent on their San Francisco apartment. To avoid getting booted by their landlord, the enterprising industrial designers decided to rent out three air mattresses on their floor for $80 bucks a piece. The sharing economy forefathers hobbled together a basic website advertising their crash pad for rent and the rest—a few setbacks along the way included—is history. Eight years and a none-too-shabby leg up from Y Combinator later, the scrappy little Internet startup that almost never was puts an estimated 800,000 people up every night in some two million listings in 190 countries, reigning supreme in the coveted Silicon Valley unicorn club. Chesky said his mom thought the premise of Airbnb—letting strangers sleep at your pad when you’re out of town—was “the worst idea ever.” Who’s skeptical now, Deborah Chesky? Not only does your son have the health insurance you wanted him to have, he also has more money than he knows what to do with. |