一位业内高管在新加坡航空展上表示,由于经济疲软,中国对商务飞机需求正在放缓,客户正寻求大飞机之外的多元化需求。 商务飞机主要制造商之一巴西航空工业公司的数据显示,2015年,中国商务机市场增长6%,增速为过去十年来最低。 巴西航空工业公司负责中东与亚太区市场和销售的副总克劳迪奥•卡麦里称:“过去,中国的客户只会买最大、最好的飞机。” “如今,要是仅限于在某个地区飞,或者乘客不多,中国的客户可能会优先考虑中型飞机。” 本月稍早,巴西航空工业公司交付了一架旗下最新中型喷气式飞机Legacy 500。该机市价将近2000万美元,买家是该司首位中国客户——电影明星成龙。 去年中国的经济增长速度降至25年来最低水平。 香港商务飞机经纪商Jetcraft Asia的总裁大卫•迪森说,他发现中国市场有下滑的迹象——订单流量增长放缓、交货推迟、订单取消,不过他观察到客户趋于成熟。 “过去有些人大规模下单,投机性下单,”迪森接受路透社采访时表示,“目前在中国已经基本看不到这种情况。” 一些业内高管更为乐观。 在接受路透社采访时,美国商务机制造商湾流的亚洲区销售主管罗杰•斯佩里称,虽然预期中国经济会进一步疲弱,但与湾流洽谈的潜在买家却比两年前多了。 谈到中国需求时,斯佩里这样说:“中国还会保持两年前的增速吗?不会,这是众所周知的事实。” “我们会担心这点吗?也不会,因为我们经历过很多次经济周期了……不过这是中国航空业有商务机市场以来经济首次下滑,所以一些人吓跑了,说什么:‘天啊,中国经济永远也不会复苏了!’” 湾流是美国国防企业集团通用动力公司的下属企业。据航空业咨询公司亚翔航空有限公司统计,2014年,湾流占有中国内地商务喷气式飞机32%的市场份额,占有率排名第一。 长期来看,也能普遍认为中国市场仍具有增长潜力。 巴西航空工业公司预计,未来十年将向中国合计交付800架商务机。截至2015年年末,该公司已向中国交付360架。 中国企业进军海外的兴趣越来越浓厚,可能也会增加新需求。 Jetcraft Asia的迪森就认为:“中国正在进军非洲,在南非市场也有动作。非洲与中国相距万里,这种长途飞行最方便的办法就是买架私人飞机。”(财富中文网) 译者:Pessy 校对:夏林 |
Chinese demand for business jets is slowing as its economy weakens, with customers looking to diversify from large aircraft, industry executives said at the Singapore Airshow. China’s business jet fleet grew 6% in 2015, the slowest in the past 10 years, according to data from Embraer SA, one of the largest business jet manufacturers. “In the past, customers would simply buy the biggest and best plane out there,” said Claudio Camelier, vice president of marketing and sales, Middle East and Asia Pacific, at Embraer Executive Jets. “Nowadays they may consider a mid-sized jet if their travel needs are only within certain region or they don’t travel with a lot of people.” Earlier this month, Embraer delivered a Legacy 500—its new mid-sized jet worth nearly $20 million at list price—to its first Chinese customer, movie star Jackie Chan. China’s economy grew at the slowest pace in a quarter of a century last year. David Dixon, president of Jetcraft Asia, a business jet brokerage based in Hong Kong, said he had seen signs of a less buoyant market in China—slower order flow, deferment of delivery, and cancellation of orders, but also signs of maturing customers. “There are people who used to place large orders, speculative orders,” Dixon told Reuters in an interview. “That has largely gone away in the case of China.” Some industry executives were more optimistic. Roger Sperry, Gulfstream’s head of sales for Asia, told Reuters in an interview his company is talking to more potential buyers now than two years ago, despite the perception of a weaker economy. “Is it growing the way it was two years ago? No, that’s a known fact,” Sperry said of Chinese demand. “Are we concerned about it? No, because we’ve seen this time after time… This is just the first time the economy has been going down in China since there’s been a business in the aviation market so people look at that and go, ‘oh my God, it will never recover!” Gulfstream, a unit of General Dynamics, had the largest share—32%—of mainland China’s business jet market in 2014, according to consultancy Asian Sky Group. Longer term, the country was still seen as having good potential. Embraer forecast a total of 800 business jets to be delivered to China in the next 10 years, compared with the country’s fleet of 360 at end of 2015. China’s increasing business interest overseas is also expected to create new demand. “China is moving into Africa, it’s moving in South America. Those are a long way away from here. You’ll find the only way to get there is to have a private airplane,” said Dixon of Jetcraft Asia. |