21、《从零到一:创业笔记之如何打造未来》(Zero to One: Notes Startups, or How to Build the Future),作者:彼得•泰尔 这部畅销书系PayPal联合创始人彼得•泰尔所著,着重研究了创业者如何建立适合的团队赢得未来,了解20年后自己所在行业还能否持续,以及你的产品是否有独特之处。 |
Zero to One: Notes Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel. This bestseller from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel examines how entrepreneurs can shape the future by having the right team in place, knowing whether or not your business will be in business 20 years from now, or if you offer something unique. |

22、《鲜活的创业精神》(The Entrepreneurial Spirit Lives: 25 Tales to Help Entrepreneurs Start, Grow, and Succeed in Small Business)作者:卡瓦诺.L.格雷 在本书中,毕生致力于创业的卡瓦诺.L.格雷讲述了一些成功企业的故事,介绍了小企业主如何克服管理和营销等方面的常见障碍。书中案例实际而全面,文字通俗易懂,极具启发性。 |
The Entrepreneurial Spirit Lives: 25 Tales to Help Entrepreneurs Start, Grow, and Succeed in Small Business by Cavanaugh L. Gray. Lifelong entrepreneur Cavanaugh L. Gray describes how small business owners can overcome common obstacles like management and marketing in a practical and comprehensive, but easy-to-understand, way through inspiring stories of successful businesses. |

23、《简化循环》(The Simplicity Cycle: A Field Guide to Making Things Better Without Making Them Worse)作者:丹•沃德 哪个企业家不想让生活简单些?本书作者丹•沃德列举了许多工具和技巧,可以帮助创业者辨别并解决复杂的问题。 |
The Simplicity Cycle: A Field Guide to Making Things Better Without Making Them Worse by Dan Ward. What business owner wouldn’t want to simplify their lives? Author Dan Ward outlines a number of tools and techniques that can help us identify and resolve the complexity problem. |

24、《要么拯救世界,要么滚回家!》(Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity)作者:休•麦克劳德 广告文案撰稿人休•麦克劳德在这本处女作中提出,创业和经营时应该充分发挥创造力。他以自己的卡通画为例阐明企业不应该效仿别人,应该创造属于自己的商业模式。 |
Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Hugh MacLeod. Copywriter Hugh MacLeod argues in his first book that creativity should be used when starting and running a business. MacLeod makes the case, using his own cartoons as an example, that businesses shouldn’t do what everyone one else and create their own business models |

25、《唤醒体内巨人》(Awaken the Giant Within)作者:托尼·罗宾斯 畅销书作者、企业家与慈善家托尼·罗宾斯在本书中详细介绍了,决策过程中应如何控制心理、身体和情绪,以便更好地规划个人和职业目标并付诸实现。 |
25. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. Bestselling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist Tony Robbins details in this book how we can take control of the mental, physical, and emotional factors that are a part of decision-making so that we can plan and achieve personal and professional goals. |