EXAMPLE: Its beautiful hot springs are the tiny mountain village's claim to fame.
美丽的温泉是让这座小小山村出名的原因。  2014-01-08
EXAMPLE: On the airplane yesterday, I sat next to a nervous passenger who talked a blue streak during the whole ninety minutes of our flight.
昨天在飞机上,我坐在一位紧张的乘客旁边,在整整90分钟的飞行时间里,他一直口若悬河地讲话。  2013-12-30
EXAMPLE: Seeking clues to the murder, the police investigators searched the victim's house with a fine-toothed comb.
为了寻找这起谋杀案的线索,警探仔细搜查了被害人的房子。  2013-12-27
EXAMPLE: I'm hankering after a new car, and I'll buy one if I get a raise at work.
我渴望拥有一部新车,只要工作上得到加薪,我就去买一辆。  2013-12-26
EXAMPLE: My new house looked fine until it started raining yesterday and a dozen leaks in its roof cropped up.
我的新房子看上去一直挺好,直到昨天开始下雨,屋顶突然出现了十几道裂缝。  2013-12-25
EXAMPLE: My energetic aunt is a social butterfly who enjoys going to several parties a week and has dozens of close friends with whom she spends time.
我姑姑精力充沛,是个社交迷,喜欢一周参加数次聚会,拥有好几十位和她一起打发时间的亲密朋友。  2013-12-24
EXAMPLE: Within a week after it was first performed, the play was a smash hit that everyone in town wanted to see.
这出剧目首演后不到一周便大获成功,镇上的每个人都想去看。  2013-12-23
EXAMPLE: The date of my sister's wedding was on-again, off-again because of her future husband's frequently changing work and travel schedule.
我妹妹的结婚日总在不断变更,因为她未来的丈夫不断改变工作和差旅计划。  2013-12-20
EXAMPLE: My son's favorite basketball team lost their championship game last night, so he has been feeling down in the mouth all day.
我儿子最爱的篮球队昨晚输掉了总决赛,他为此痛心了一整天。  2013-12-19
EXAMPLE: Before moving overseas for a year, I want to talk to a friend who has lived there, and get the lowdown on what it's really like to live there.
我要出国生活一年,走之前我想找已经在国外生活了一年的朋友聊聊,了解在那边生活的真实情况。  2013-11-28
EXAMPLE: Farmers in the remote mountains are able to eke out a living by selling any spare food they grow in the market of a local village.
这一偏远山区的农民依靠在当地村子里的市场上出售他们种植的剩余粮食勉强糊口。  2013-11-27
EXAMPLE: Ten years ago we weren't doing well financially, but then we started a new successful business, and now we're in the money!
10年前,我们的经济状况不是很好,不过我们在那时开办了一家成功的新企业,现在我们发财了!  2013-11-26
EXAMPLE: Regardless of how big our problems were, our family members and friends have helped us through thick and thin over the fast fifty years.
尽管在这充满坎坷的50年里我们遇到过十分严重的问题,但家人和朋友帮助我们度过了一切困难。  2013-11-25
EXAMPLE: Since he quit his job in our city and moved to a remote mountain village, my brother has been out of touch, and he may find it difficult to ever come back here.
在我们的城市辞职后,我兄弟搬到了一个偏僻的山村,一直与世隔绝。他可能很难回到这里了。  2013-11-22
EXAMPLE: My brother loves soccer and has strong opinions about teams and players, so next year's World Cup is really a hot-button issue for him.
我兄弟喜欢足球,对球队和球员有非常专业的看法,所以明年的世界杯对他来说是非常重要的事情。  2013-11-21
EXAMPLE: My shy cousin decided to take the plunge tomorrow and ask his girlfriend to marry him.
我的腼腆的表弟明天决心冒险一试,向他的女朋友求婚。  2013-11-20
EXAMPLE: I was reluctant to discuss my friend's recent divorce because I didn't want to open a can of worms.
我不愿意讨论我朋友不久前的离婚事件,因为不想面对太多麻烦事。  2013-11-19
EXAMPLE: My enthusiastic friend loves watching basketball on television and always provides me with a running commentary whenever we watch his favorite team play.
我的充满激情的朋友喜欢看篮球电视转播,每当我们观看他喜欢的球队比赛时,他就滔滔不绝地给我解说。  2013-11-18
EXAMPLE: There are not enough concert tickets for everyone in the long line, and since it's first come, first served, it's possible that the people who are last in line may not get any tickets.
音乐会的门票已经不够长队里每人一张了。先到者先得,所以排在队尾的人可能拿不到任何票了。  2013-11-15
EXAMPLE: I found an old locked chest in my grandfather抯 house and a bag of keys, so by trial and error I tried each key until I found the one key which opened the chest.
我在祖父的房间里发现了一个锁住的箱子和一包钥匙,我采取试错的方法,用每把钥匙试开,直到其中一把打开了箱子。  2013-11-14

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