EXAMPLE: Global warming has become a burning question among many members of the world-wide scientific community.
全球变暖已经成为全球科学界众多人士的一个急迫的问题。  2013-11-13
EXAMPLE: Visiting a foreign country last year I went to a party just wearing a sweater, but everyone else was wearing formal clothing, and nobody spoke my language, so I really felt like a fish out of water.
去年,在造访某国时,我穿着一件毛衣就去参加聚会,但别人全都穿着正式服装,又没有人说我的语言,因此我感到与他们实在格格不入。  2013-11-12
EXAMPLE: The company's marketing director claims that adopting a prestige price strategy will increase sales among wealthier customers who are more concerned with high status than authentic high quality.
这家公司的营销总监宣称,采用名望价格战略将增加在富裕顾客中的销售,他们更在乎高身份,而不是真正的高质量。  2013-11-06
EXAMPLE: Spending a fortune on advertising and pushing their sales representatives to the limits, the rival companies engaged in a pitched battle for dominance of their industry.
这家竞争对手为了取得行业主导地位发起了激烈的争斗,在广告上大把投钱,把销售代表逼到了极致。  2013-11-05
EXAMPLE: One of my co-workers told me she heard our boss say he's retiring next year, but I don't believe her because I never trust secondhand information.
我的一位同事告诉我,她听我们老板说,他将在明年退休,但我不信她的话,因为我从不相信二手信息。  2013-11-04
EXAMPLE: I was lost in thought when my friend came into my office yesterday and I didn't hear what he said.
昨天,我陷入深思,朋友到我办公室里来,我都没听见他说了些什么。  2013-11-01
EXAMPLE: Our customers can return purchases with a receipt at any time, and when they do so, our employees are trained to say "No worries!" in a cheerful way.
我们的客户随时凭收据退货,在他们退货时,我们的员工练就了以兴高采烈的态度回答“没问题!”。  2013-10-31
EXAMPLE: Our whole staff works hard not for the salaries we pay them, but because they really get it, and they are excited about developing what will be the best product ever created in our field.
全体员工努力工作,并不是为了我们付给他们的薪水,而是因为他们真正地理解公司,并为开发我们行业里的最佳产品而感到激动。  2013-10-30
EXAMPLE: When we have added a few finishing touches such as artwork and landscaping, our beautiful new building will finally be done.
在加上一些艺术和景观设计之后,我们漂亮的新大楼就将完工了。  2013-10-29
EXAMPLE: Several professors at the famous university also have important jobs at companies in the large science park close to the school.
这所著名大学的几位教授还在学校附近的大型科技园里的公司担任要职。  2013-10-24
EXAMPLE: Starting our own company last year was a pivotal move for my colleagues and me, and our lives have been good quite ever since then.
对我的同事和我来说,去年自己开公司是一个关键的决定。自那以后,我们的生活一直很好。  2013-10-23
EXAMPLE: The express train leaves every morning at 8 a.m. on the dot.
这趟快车每天早上8点准时出发。  2013-10-22
EXAMPLE: The rigorous enforcement of safety standards is needed to reduce occupational hazards in the mining industry.
必须严格执行安全标准,减少采矿业的职业危害。  2013-10-21
EXAMPLE: Our new production manager has strong lateral thinking skills, and often surprises us with her ingenious solutions.
新来的生产经理拥有很强的水平思维能力,经常提出精妙的解决方案,让我们惊喜。  2013-10-18
EXAMPLE: Don't visit the southern beach resort town during the hottest part of the summer -it's the pits!
在夏天最热的时候,不要去那个南方海滩度假城——糟透了!  2013-10-17
EXAMPLE: We have an efficient, modern office, but the fact that the paper in our computer printer jams frequently is the fly in the ointment that often slows down our work.
我们拥有高效的现代化办公室,但有个小麻烦:我们的电脑打印机总是卡纸,经常妨碍我们工作。  2013-10-16
EXAMPLE: If we keep our expenses low and continue to earn profits each month, our new business will be able to get out of the hole by the end of the year.
只要我们保持低开支,每个月都能赚到利润,我们的新业务到年底就能够脱困。  2013-10-15
EXAMPLE: We feel that hiring talented employees with good training and lots of experience will ensure success.
我们感觉,聘用训练良好、经验丰富的高素质员工将确保成功。  2013-10-14
EXAMPLE: When our boring company president gives a particularly long and tedious speech, some audience members will drift off to sleep.我们公司乏味的总裁发表了特别冗长沉闷的演讲,部分听众慢慢睡着了。

EXAMPLE: An independent auditor investigated our accountant's records and certain unusual errors made him suspect there was some foul play.一位独立审计人员调查了我们的会计纪录和某些不同寻常的错误,显示他可能存在悖德行为。


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