EXAMPLE: My extravagant brother recently bought a crazy large sofa that is too big to be carried up the stairs of his apartment.
我的好奢侈的兄弟不久前买了一张超大的沙发,大到无法抬过他公寓楼里的楼梯。  2013-05-10
EXAMPLE: My brother's wife left him, his business is failing, and he has been diagnosed with a serious illness; he's really drowning in a sea of troubles.
我兄弟的妻子离开了他,他的生意快要失败了,他又被诊断出了严重的疾病。他真是陷入到成堆的麻烦里面了。  2013-05-09
EXAMPLE: Our company president worries about the high cost of renting a larger office, but the flip side of his concern is the fact that we need space to grow.
我们公司的总裁担心租用更大办公室的高成本,但一些人的意见和他的担心正相反,我们需要新的办公空间来实现增长。  2013-05-08
EXAMPLE: It was long after midnight before I got home last night and could hit the sack.
昨天晚上,我在半夜过了很久之后才到家上床睡觉。  2013-05-07
EXAMPLE: The suggestion that everyone work late every night is a quick fix, but hiring more employees may be a better and more permanent answer to our company's problems.
要求所有人每天工作到深夜是个快速解决办法,但雇用更多员工可能是对我们公司问题的更好、更持久的应对方法。  2013-05-06
EXAMPLE: The opening of our new store yesterday went like gangbusters and we had many more new customers than we expected.
昨天我们新店的开业仪式举办得很成功,新增的顾客数量大大超过预期。  2013-05-03
商务英语:今日热词—— 说得通(俚语)
EXAMPLE: One of my business partners has many interesting new ideas, but he's a little impractical, and often they don't hold water.
我的一位商业伙伴有很多有趣的新创意,但他有点不切实际,这些创意经常解释不通。  2013-05-02
商务英语:今日热词—— 一团糟(俚语)
EXAMPLE: When the busload of exhausted tourists arrived during the terrible rainstorm, they found the hotel to be a hot mess because no one had reserved enough rooms for their group.
当满载筋疲力尽的游客的公交车在可怕的暴风雨中到达酒店时,他们发现那里一片混乱,因为没有人为他们的旅游团预订足够的房间。  2013-04-28
EXAMPLE: My teenage daughter must think we're filthy rich because she keeps asking us to buy her fancy new clothes.
我的十几岁的女儿一定以为我们特别有钱,因为她总是求我们给她买高档新衣服。  2013-04-27
EXAMPLE: Our Company’s executive vice president is a tower of strength who remains thoughtful and diligent in any crisis.
我们公司的执行副总裁是位可信赖的人,在任何危机中都能做到细查深思。  2013-04-26
EXAMPLE: My brother gets angry easily so I have to handle him with kid gloves when I ask him to do something for me.
我的兄弟容易发怒,所以我在请他为我做事时不得不小心说话。  2013-04-25
EXAMPLE: Despite the fact that he often knew nothing about the problems his lazy employees created, the loyal old boss would always shoulder the blame for their mistakes.
尽管经常对懒惰员工所制造的问题并不知情,这位年迈而心诚的老板总是愿意为他们的错误承担责任。  2013-04-24
EXAMPLE: There were many loud arguments among the small company’s employees, but their boss wanted them to mend fences by enjoying themselves together at lunch each day.
EXAMPLE: After causing the company some embarrassment, the young executive decided to lie low for a while and not make any problems that would get him in further trouble.
在给公司制造了数次困窘后,这位年轻的高管决定低调一段时间,不再制造任何可能让他进一步陷入麻烦的问题。  2013-04-22
EXAMPLE: Without complaining, the faithful assistants worked hard over the years to support their boss through thick and thin.
EXAMPLE: Several times a day the boy mentioned the expensive video game to his poor mom, hoping that pester power could convince her to buy it for him.
EXAMPLE: My handsome brother is a dead ringer for a famous popular actor, and he laughs when young women ask him for his autograph.
我那英俊的兄弟长得与一位著名的人气演员相似,每当有年轻女士请他签名,他就哈哈大笑  2013-04-17
EXAMPLE: A majority of shareholders elected a dark horse as the company’s new CEO, rather than pick one of the better known and more flamboyant candidates.
多数股东选了一位黑马来担任公司的新任首席执行官,没有选一位更出名和派头更足的候选人。  2013-04-16
EXAMPLE: Employees at the software company who did not meet with customers often wore business casual clothing which was more comfortable than suits.
在这家软件公司中,不和客户见面的员工经常穿着比正装要舒适一些的商务休闲装。  2013-04-15
EXAMPLE: I'm not happy where I work now, so I want to poke around and see if there are any jobs available at other companies.
我对目前工作的地方不满意,所以我想调查一下,看看其他公司有没有合适的职位。  2013-04-10

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