《财富》杂志(Fortune)最具影响力商界女强人们显然对MBA学位钟爱有加,因为上榜的50位女性中有18位持有该学位。整体来看,今年女性榜单成员普遍具备高等学历。在50名上榜女性中,有39位持有高等学历,其中3位系法学院出身;而施乐公司(Xerox)女首席执行官厄休拉•伯恩斯则持有哥伦比亚大学(Columbia)机械工程硕士学位证书;迪士尼(Disney)传媒网络董事长安妮•斯维尼毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard)教育专业,并获硕士学位。 哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School)共有5位女性登上了今年的《财富》最具影响力商界女强人榜单,笑傲群雄。包括新近走马上任的惠普(Hewlett-Packard)CEO梅格•惠特曼,以及Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德伯格都毕业于该学院。 这五位哈佛商学院校友及其排名依次为: ·惠普CEO梅格•惠特曼:排名第9位 ·Facebook首席营运官谢丽尔•桑德伯格:排名第12位 ·富达投资集团(Fidelity Investments)阿比盖尔•约翰逊:排名第18位 ·JP摩根(JPMorgan)资产管理部门首席执行官玛丽•卡拉汉•爱多士:排名第24位 ·太阳石油公司(Sunoco)董事长、首席执行官兼总裁琳恩•埃尔森汉斯:排名第35位 |
For Fortune's Most Powerful Women, the MBA degree is clearly the degree of choice. Some 18 out of 50 women have them. All told, members of this year's list are a highly educated bunch. Thirty-nine out of the 50 women on the list have advanced degrees, which includes three lawyers. Xerox's Ursula Burns has a master's in mechanical engineering from Columbia, and Walt Disney's Anne Sweeney has a master's in education from Harvard. Harvard Business School leads the pack with five of Fortune's most powerful women, from newly installed Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman to Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg The alumni and their rankings on our list are: • Meg Whitman, Hewlett-Packard: No. 9 • Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook: No. 12 • Abigail Johnson, Fidelity Investments: No. 18 • Mary Callahan Erdoes, JPMorgan Asset Management: No. 24 • Lynn Elsenhans, Sunoco: No. 35 |